Making a Comeback

Where or where has Stephanie been? Yes, it's true--life as I knew it back in April when I began my blog took a number of twists and turns and believe me I would have rather blogged than experienced 8 weeks of vertigo followed by a flooded house followed by non-stop studying in preparation to finish my master's degree.
But I'm not going to complain....despite the pitfalls, we have managed to have fun....a trip to Sea World, a girl's trip to NYC, Polar Express at the Grand Canyon, Thanksgiving in Disneyland (AMAZING!!!!), and tonight an evening at Seussical! I managed to be in six states within 2 weeks in the month of November--CRAZY!!!!! I'm happy to say that we have no more trips planned and are looking forward to a quiet Christmas in the desert.
Did I mention that Seussical was fantastic?


Danika said...

I am so glad you're back to blogging. You were one of the people who inspired me to start blogging - and now you can't stop me! I'm glad you're feeling better and I can't wait to hear about all your trips. Congrats on finishing your master's degree. Maybe we can try to get together after the first of the year!

Babbel Family said...

It's about freaking time!!!!!! Keep it up!

Laura B. said...

Finally! Can't wait to keep up with you guys!

Dawn said...

Glad you're back in the blogging world! Now to get you back in the VIP world! ha ha.. I know slowly but surely.