Sweet Dreams

There is something to be said about getting back into a routine. A lot to be said about what transpired during the time we went from routine to no routine back to routine. Thank you school.

With Erik whooping it up in Dallas right now (Go Cougars!!!!!), you'd think I'd be sleeping single in a king sized bed. But no. Sadie and Deklan have joined me. Sadie, who sleeps in a queen sized bed, is used to spreading out. S...P...R...E...A...D...I...N...G...out if you know what I mean. And Deklan likes to sleep smack dab against you and it doesn't matter what size of bed you're in. He's right there like a leech....in a lovey kind of way. Factor in that with the extra body heat that two little bodies can give off, a missing husband, and my incessant need to peek in on my baby to make sure she's still breathing and you get a pretty sleepless night.

3:30 a.m.

Deklan starts shaking and little snorts are emitted. You know, the type where you're not sure if the person is laughing or crying? I sit up, look down at his little face (cause remember he's a leech) and see a big grin on his face with eyes peacefully closed. More laughter. I whisper, "Hey buddy, what are you dreaming?" With eyes still closed, he raises his little arm in the air and says, "GUMBALLS" as he spirals his little hand around and around as if a gumball is making it's way downward.

I'm going to try and dream about gumballs tonight (that and BYU football). Sounds like fun. Wish me luck.


john:and:aim said...

Ohhhh, cute! We miss you guys! Go BYU :)

Bethany said...

BYU all the way :)

The Donigans said...

So cute! And to think that if you were actually sleeping comfortably by yourself in your nice king sized bed, you would have missed out on such a fabulous moment to be treasured. Sometimes good things can come from sleep deprivation........sometimes.